Keuper Building on a sunny day.
DGRATS Frequently Asked Questions

What is DGRATS?

The Doctoral Graduate Research Assistant Tuition Scholarship (DGRATS) Program is a mechanism by which Florida Tech provides tuition scholarships, on a semester to semester basis, to doctoral students that are receiving stipend from an externally funded research grant or contract.

Can pre-existing grants & contracts utilize DGRATS?

Because DGRATS may involve modifications to both internal as well as external research project budgets Principle Investigators (PIs) are encouraged to consult directly with the Office of Sponsored Programs. The Office of Sponsored Programs will determine the appropriateness and feasibility of utilizing DGRATS on a case by case basis for pre-existing grants and contracts.

What are the qualifications for a student to receive a DGRATS tuition scholarship?

Full-time doctoral-level students who have a conferred Master’s degree in identical or related disciplines or who have completed a minimum of 18 credits toward their doctoral degree program are eligible. The student must meet the standard campus requirements for receiving a research wages (e.g. cumulative GPA is at least 3.2, International students must furnish the evidence of proficiency written and spoken English: a minimum score of 80 on the internet-based TOEFL (iBT) or of 6.5 on the International English Language Testing System (IELTS) and must receive a stipend for minimum of 15 but no more than 20 hours per week with a pay rate ≥ $15/hr from a qualifying grant or contract for the entire semester.

What are the wages funding source requirements for DGRATS?

The funding source must be an external research grant or contract subject to on-campus indirect costs of 45% federal and 50% non-federal funds. Reduced or waived IDC rate grants or contracts are not eligible to participate in this program.

Is there a cap on the number of credits a DGRATS student can take in one semester?

There is no DGRATS cap on the number of credits a student may take in one semester although the student must abide by other relevant policies. The total tuition scholarship provided by the DGRATS is capped at 45 credit hours for those students who have a conferred Master’s degree in identical or related disciplines or 57 credit hours for those students who have a conferred Bachelor’s degree and have completed a minimum of 18 credits towards their doctoral degree program.

Are there a limited number of DGRATS scholarships available?


Are DGRATS scholarships restricted to US citizens?


Are DGRATS scholarships restricted to new students only? That is to say students that did not receive their bachelor’s and/or master’s degree(s) at Florida Tech.

No. Full-time doctoral-level students who have a conferred Master’s degree in identical or related disciplines or who have completed a minimum of 18 credits toward their doctoral degree program are eligible for DGRATS.

Are DGRATS scholarships restricted to support doctoral students working with new/young faculty?

No. All faculty members may utilize the DGRATS program.

Can research professors utilize DGRATS to support their doctoral students?

Yes, as long as the funding and other requirements are satisfied.

How do I apply for a DGRATS Scholarship?

If you are a doctoral student talk to your faculty advisor. If you are a PI or Co-PI on a research grant or contract your administrative assistant to process the wages contract for doctoral student using the DGRATS option in Student Employment System.

When do DGRATS student contracts need to be submitted in Student Employment System?

Preferably several weeks before the beginning of the semester in which the student is to receive the tuition scholarship. However, DGRATS student contracts will be accepted up to one week before the start of the semester in which the student is to receive the tuition scholarship. Late DGRATS contracts cannot be processed. 

If a student enters a doctoral program with a bachelor’s degree and that program does not offer or require a master’s degree can the student receive a DGRATS scholarship?

Full-time doctoral-level students who have a conferred Master’s degree in identical or related disciplines or who have completed a minimum of 18 credits toward their doctoral degree program are eligible.